Fix the System Week

OK, so we’re on a mission. For those of you as old as us, you will view with hindsight, and with more than a little depression, the day to day misogyny, sexism, and normalisation of sexual inequality prevalent in our youth – but things have changed…right?

The culture around these issues in our schools is alarming. It’s not simply slow to improve, it’s worse. How boys view girls, educated by online porn, how men view women, their views validated by a system stacked against women, is frightening. So what do we do? We call it out for what it is, we stop accepting it as normal – we educate ourselves, and we get behind initiatives and voices that speak out against the kinds of dangerous misogyny pedalled by the likes of Tate and others, and we help educate our children. If we don’t do it, someone else will, and they have a different agenda.

So, all fired up, we decided that we are going to flood the shop with this book in the week commencing 10th July. We are buying hundreds of copies. We are encouraging every customer through the door to consider buying this book. If you do, we will offer a second copy for half price for you to pass on to someone else in your life - husband, son, brother, sister, daughter. You won’t be able to enter the shop in this week without this pink and blue dominating your view. Pick it up. Read the back. Think about how important it is for this to be widely read, and then for those who read it to stand up and take action. Let’s not leave it to chance.

What’s great, is that Laura heard about our crazy plan and she made contact. Not so crazy, she said, and asked how she could help. Now, she, her publisher and team are all behind Goldfinch, and Laura is joining us for a talk, discussion and book signing on the final day of our scheme – the evening of Friday 14th July.

So we have THREE big asks of our fabulous Alton community:

1) come in, see the books, buy a book, take a second book for someone else,

2) join us. Support the talks and workshops. Grab a ticket and join us on Friday 14th July evening for a discussion with Laura, and get your book signed, and, most important,

3) read the book, take the message and help make change.

Fri 14th July - 7:00pm

Laura Bates in conversation at Goldfinch

WEDNESDAY 12th July Storytime (for age 3 to 7) Goldfinch Kids’ Zone: 3:45pm til 4:30pm - hear some age-appropriate stories touching on these issues. Free.

Hand-picked books that gently raise issues of gender and stereotypes. For age 3 to 7 years, come and listen to stories after school in the Goldfinch Kids’ Zone.

WEDNESDAY 12th July Tea, Cake & Chat for teens (for age 12+) – Goldfinch: 6:00pm- 7:00pm.

An open discussion on the book, the issues raised and their impacts on young people.

Fix the System, by Laura Bates, combines stories with evidence in a blazing examination of sexual injustice and a rallying cry for reform. It opens our eyes to what has become normal in our schools and beyond, a creeping misogyny and sexism that needs to be called out for what it is.

Whether you’ve read the book or not, want to talk or just listen, boys and girls, come and join this conversation – possibly the most important hour you will spend this month. Free.

The discussion will be led by Goldfinch, with the help of experienced counsellors on hand to support, guide, and be available.

THURSDAY 13th July Cake, Juice, and Gender Detective Workshop (for age 7-12) – Goldfinch: 3:45pm- 4:30pm.

A fun workshop that helps encourage children to challenge gender stereotypes. Free.