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Poetry Night

Poetry Night

Doors 7:30pm with Start 8:00pm

Planned order of poetry nights:

  • Guest poet reads

  • Open mic for people to either read their own material or read from published material available to hand in the shop (or brought from home) - hosted by Ellora Sutton

  • Guest poet closes

No tickets - please just turn up and enjoy, but we ask that everyone pay a nominal £2 fee which we charge for all events.

For poetry nights, the shop and bar will be open to all. Contact and for more information.

Schedule of Guest Poets (1st Thurs of the month)

6th March - Richard Hawtree

3rd April - Katt Roberts

1st May - Nia Broomhall

5th June - Jenny McRobert

3rd July - Gale Burns

7th August - Betty Doyle

Friday 12th Sept - Jane Austen's House special - Rachel Long

2nd October - Stewart Taylor

6th November - Kat Sinclair

4th December - Festive open mic

May 29

CHARM writing group

June 7

Walk Alton Quiz Night