Poetry Night
Doors 7:30pm with Start 8:00pm
Planned order of poetry nights:
Guest poet reads
Open mic for people to either read their own material or read from published material available to hand in the shop (or brought from home) - hosted by Ellora Sutton
Guest poet closes
No tickets - please just turn up and enjoy, but we ask that everyone pay a nominal £2 fee which we charge for all events.
For poetry nights, the shop and bar will be open to all. Contact ellorawrites@gmail.com and gary@goldfinch-books.com for more information.
Schedule of Guest Poets (1st Thurs of the month)
6th March - Richard Hawtree
3rd April - Katt Roberts
1st May - Nia Broomhall
5th June - Jenny McRobert
3rd July - Gale Burns
7th August - Betty Doyle
Friday 12th Sept - Jane Austen's House special - Rachel Long
2nd October - Stewart Taylor
6th November - Kat Sinclair
4th December - Festive open mic